Tuesday, January 16, 2007

why everyone should support stem cell research

obviously i am not a doctor or a researcher. . but i came across this article recently which talks about how stem cell research has created beating heart tissue in the lab. .. i guess i have a hard time understanding how anyone could oppose using embryos for research that would otherwise be discarded or frozen forever. .. .i can understand not wanting to make new embryos for this purpose. . but i have designed multiple fertility clinics in my day and i know the amount of energy and time it takes to preserve a frozen embryo. .. ok so i am getting off the subject a bit. .. back to the beating heart tissue that will one day save someones life who is reading this. . maybe my own. .. i can understand the ethical issues. . . .they are very similar to ones crossed many times before in the field of science and medicine. .. this argument is not about the right to life movement and bashing them. .do i disagree with the basis of their general arguments. .. yes. .. do i think it has any place in science. .no

so this was fairly hastily written. . ill clean it up later on

1 comment:

sLOw-cal said...

all i can say is biological scaffolding might be the coolest concept i've ever heard from the science/medical field!

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